@extends('layouts.master') @section('title') @lang('translation.Lightbox') @endsection @section('css') @endsection @section('content') @component('components.breadcrumb') @slot('li_1') UI Elements @endslot @slot('title') Lightbox @endslot @endcomponent

Single image lightbox

Three simple popups with different scaling settings.

Fits (Horz/Vert)

No gaps, zoom animation, close icon in top-right corner.

Lightbox gallery

In this example lazy-loading of images is enabled for the next image based on move direction.

Zoom Gallery

Zoom effect works only with images.

Popup with video or map

In this example lazy-loading of images is enabled for the next image based on move direction.

Popup with Form

Popup form


@endsection @section('script') @endsection